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Uncertainty and Error Analysis

Uncertainty and Error Analysis

Engineering definition

  1. Uncertainty: the measure of the inherent variability of repeated measurements of a quantity. A prediction of the probable variability of a result, based on the inherent uncertainties in the data, found from a mathematical calculation of how the data uncertainties would, in combination, lead to uncertainty in the result. It can be broken down further into indeterminate (random) and deterministic (known quantities) uncertainty.
  2. Error analysis: The calculation or process by which one predicts the size of the uncertainty in results from the uncertainties in data and procedure.

Medical definition

  1. Uncertainty: Feelings of doubt.
  2. Error analysis: This is not a term commonly used in the medical field. An error is defined as a defect or deviation in structure or function.


In stochastic engineering experiments or modelling, which are now more prevalent due to machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), results are based more on probabilities than deterministic methods with definitive results. This requires a better understanding of uncertainty. In engineering, uncertainty and error analysis are tools that support decision making. For professional engineers with a public and civil responsibility, the accuracy of an uncertainty and error analysis could have legal significance.